Other ways you can support The Peak School


Whether it’s shopping for daily essentials like groceries, buying furniture for your home office, or even booking your next trip, ShopRaise lets you turn your everyday shopping into support for The Peak School at no additional cost to you!

How it works: ShopRaise is a simple way to support our school through your online purchases. The program is free, you do not pay any more for the items you buy, and you get access to all the best coupons and deals. You can download the app or install the browser extension on your computer.

For those familiar with Rakuten, this works exactly like it!

Get started today!


Volunteering your time, service, and energy is one of the most important ways you can help The Peak School. In honoring our mission of helping students embrace their roles as local and global citizens, we encourage parents, teachers, and community members to do the same. There are many ways to contribute to the success of Peak, and we hope that you will volunteer the best of your talents and find your own way to become involved. Current volunteer opportunities include:

  • Becoming a member of the Board of Trustees.
  • Driving students for field trips
  • Hosting a parent information session.
  • Becoming a member of Peak Parent Partners
  • Helping to coordinate the Fall or Spring Fundraising Event.
  • Donating time in an area of professional expertise (legal, marketing, event planning, technology, etc.)

If you are interested in volunteering for The Peak School, please contact us directly here.

Peak Seasonal Events

You can support our various seasonal events by purchasing a ticket or sponsoring one of our staff members! Ask us how!

City Market Value Card

Apply for a City Market Value Card (we have them at school, or sign up for one at your local City Market) then register your card by clicking here. Each time you shop for groceries at City Market and use your Value Card, our school earns money, and you earn Value Card Savings and City Market Gas Points.